- Custom Mezzanine Systems
Now you can fully utilize existing overhead space and gain valuable working, office, storage or manufacturing areas at a lower cost than new construction. Also, you are able to put this space to work fast, with minimal interruption to your working floor area.
Wildeck custom-designed mezzanines assemble quickly with the simplicity of "erector set" construction to form rugged, high-load-bearing overhead levels. Special steel components engineered for mezzanines lock together to form a strong, unitized structure. Heavy-duty columns provide rigid support, eliminating obstructing bracing and providing maximum flexibility of movement and utilization of the lower level.
WilLift - Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors
Increase Your Material Handling Efficiency With a Touch of a Button!
Whether you're a distribution
center with integrated mezzanines, a manufacturing facility with multiple levels,
or an archive records storage facility with a balcony;
WilLift Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors (VRC's), manufactured by Wildeck, Inc.,
are a cost effective, safe and easy means of transporting your materials from
one elevation to another.
- Electrical wiring at time of assembly
- Panels and Pump Units are tested prior to shipping
WilLift VRC's are not elevators, but are conveyors included under the scope of a national consensus safety standard ANSI/ASME B20.1 (Conveyors and Related Equipment). WilLift VRC's are safer than using a forklift truck or manpower to move materials between levels and are less costly to operate and maintain than elevators.
- A WilLift VRC integrated with a Wildeck Mezzanine.
- Mezzanine and VRC integration is simplified with one manufacturer, Wildeck.
WilLift electrical design capabilities, Wildeck can provide you with a complete
customized VRC system that is either manually controlled, controlled by your conveyor
controls or is fully automated controlling both the VRC and portions of your conveyor
Whether you need the simplicity of a single-level hydraulic model, or the faster, continuous operation of a mechanical multi-level unit, our complete line of WilLift VRC's will meet your specific load, height and speed requirements.
High strength, zinc plated steel bolts combined with heavy duty steel angles to align the framing for uniform installation. These integrated components lock the connection into a solid unit for maximum strength.